Navigate the Standards Reports

Plan & Teach provides you with a Standards Report that you can customize to show the literacy standards covered or frequency of standards covered in your lessons.

Access Standards Reports

Access the Standards Reports through the Standards button.

View Standards Coverage Reports

View and refine your Standards Coverage reports by following these steps:

  1. Click the Coverage icon at the top-right of the page.
  2. Select Grade, Unit, Week, or Day by using the appropriate dropdown menus.

  3. Filter the Report by Standards or Standards strand by pressing the Filter icon at the top left and using the dropdown menus.

View Standards Frequency Reports

View and refine your Standards Frequency reports by following these steps

  1. Click the Frequency icon at the top-right of the page.
  2. Select Grade, Unit, Week, or Day by using the appropriate dropdown menus.

  3. Filter the Report by Standards or Standards strand by pressing the Filter icon at the top left and using the dropdown menus.

You can change the how the standards in your selected Standards Frequency report using the sorting arrows. You can organize the report in descending or ascending order by the report’s covered standard, the standard’s total frequency of coverage, and the amount of times it’s covered in a unit.